Canyi Chen's Homepage


Hi, my name is Canyi Chen (陈灿贻) and I am originally from Fuzhou, Fujian in China. I am currently a Postdoc Research Fellow in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor under the guidance of Professor Peter Song. I got my Ph.D. degree in statistics from the Institute of Statistics and Big Data at Renmin University of China (RUC) in June 2023. I am lucky to be advised by Professor Liping Zhu. Before the graduate school, I received my Bachelor in Mathematics from Beijing Normal University in 2018. Before that, I graduated from Affiliated High School of Fujian Normal University.

Research Interests

  1. Distributed statistical learning

  2. Statistical testing for black-box learners, e.g., neural networks, diffusion models and generative adversarial network (GAN)

  3. Causal mediation analysis

  4. High-dimensional inference / Posterior inference

Curriculum Vitae

My resume can be found here in [EN].



Email: cychen.stats [AT] outlook [DOT] com / canyic [AT] umich [DOT] edu